Planet coaster pool mod

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WARNING: Do not set priority to realtime unless you set the affinity to leave at least one free core for OS threads. You want your CPU running as fast as possible here. Since I have six cores, I set the affinity to run on all but core 0, this also may help turbo with the other cores. Also, in taskmanager, set the cpu priority for Planet Coaster to 'Real Time'. The first thing you should do is turn off hyperthreading in your bios, the game does not leverage cores well, and turning it off will let you turbo more.

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Some people with a more game focused knowledge, may be able to read my rationale, and suggest more improvements. Let me start of by saying, I am not a graphics expert, however, I am fairly experienced in software optimization overall. You'll be tempted to turn down resolution first, because hey, thats what usually works, but not here, because the problem w this game is different. Many of us with higher end systems have noticed poor performance in this game, let me show you how to get those fps up to what you are accustomed to :) This might also help those with less highend systems, but you might have to do some tweaking to the advice.

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